Field and Process Monitoring of PKKPM-P2B 2015-2016


The focus of this monitoring study was tracking and monitoring the implementation of PKKPM as previously done in the 2014-2015 monitoring study, and to identify and analyse supporting and hindering factors that could affect the effectiveness of the PKKPM at the village, sub district and district level, including efforts to coordinate with local government and other relevant stakeholders (i.e. business community, training institution). 

The government is undertaking a sustainable livelihoods approach to countering poverty through the Program Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Program for Increasing Family Welfare through Community Empowerment – PKKPM).

PKKPM focuses on the empowerment of poor communities in terms of of social capital, and human resources, as well as economic and infrastructural support. It aims to provide the targeted communities with sources of sustainable livelihoods. A trial of the PKKPM Program carried out in Central Java (2014) was sucessful and in 2015 the government extended the trial area to include 5 provinces (Bengkulu, Jambi, Jateng, Jatim, and NTB) which spanned across 14 kabupaten, 26 kecamatan, and 62 villages. The SMERU Research Institute monitored the implementation of the trial PKKPM in these five provinces in order to collect semi real-time information on how to improve the implementation of the program.


The study adopts a qualitative approach by assigning five field monitors to observe the activities in the sample villages (in 14 kabupaten, 23 kecamatan and 25 villages) between 26 January and 7 July 2016. The monitoring was carried out through observations, interviews and FDGs.

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M. Sulton Mawardi
Team Member 
M. Sulton Mawardi
Ana Rosidha Tamyis
Completion Year 
Project Donor 
KOMPAK, a project supported by DFAT
Technical Partner 
Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi; Kementerian PPN/Bappenas
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