This project aims to enhance the capacity of local governments to achieve a harmonious energy transition in line with the national strategy within the framework of inclusive economic development.
Muhammad Syukri, Sri Murniati, Hening Wikan Sawiji, Lia Amelia, Dimitri Swasthika Nurshadrina, Aisyah Putri Mayangsari , Annabel Noor Asyah
Asep Kurniawan, Made Anthony Iswara
This study examines policies and the accompanying cases to generate insights into interventions and capacity-building initiatives promoting digital safety and resilience among journalists, media workers, and digital rights advocates.
Ruhmaniyati , Ana Rosidha Tamyis, Wandira Larasati, Sri Murniati
SMERU assesses and evaluates the Bakti BCA programs to improve these programs.
Nila Warda, Athia Yumna, Dyan Widyaningsih, Hafiz Arfyanto, Jonathan Farez Satyadharma, Annabel Noor Asyah
This research looks especially at the extent to which social protection can be used as a policy instrument to enhance people’s adaptive capacity to deal with the new problems and issues caused by climate change.
Palmira Permata Bachtiar, Athia Yumna, Luhur Bima, Niken Kusumawardhani, Ridho Al Izzati , Fauzan Kemal Musthofa
This study assess the scarring impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on investments (physical capital) and human capital demand in the labor market.