The 12th Asia Pacific Future Trends Forum (FTF) 2019

Kamis, November 21, 2019

The Future Trends Forum (FTF) is an annual forum that brings together key healthcare stakeholders in the region to discuss most pertinent issues that are of common concerns in healthcare system. One that is currently critical, particularly for Asia Pacific countries, is how to strengthen universal health coverage (UHC) through sustainable financing and big data utilization, as well as embracing digital technology implementation in the era of Health 4.0.

The theme of 2019 forum is “Roadmap to Universal Health Care: Acceleration through Public-Private Partnership”. We believe that multi-stakeholder partnerships will greatly close the gaps in access to healthcare services and chart a common path towards UHC.

Presentation materials (only materials with permission from the presenters) are available on:

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07:30 - 16.00 (GMT+7)
Siwabessy Auditorium of Ministry of Health Indonesia, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Blok X5 Kav 4-9, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan
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The SMERU Research Institute
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