Policy Research


The zoning-based new student admission policy has been implemented since 2018 in Yogyakarta City. One primary objective of the policy is to ensure students have equal access to education services. RISE Programme in Indonesia studied the impact of the school zoning system implementation on the learning of junior secondary students in Yogyakarta.



RISE Programme in Indonesia and the Kebumen District Education Agency, one of RISE's learning laboratory areas, carried out a programme, Improving Parental Involvement in a Children’s Education, from February 2020 to April 2021. This programme examined ways to overcome the low participation of parents in children’s education in Kebumen. 


Kebumen Disctrict in Central Java is one of RISE's Learning Laboratory areas. RISE Programme in Indonesia collaborates with Kebumen District Education Office in conducting a study on how information delivered by teachers to parents on students’ learning progress and guidelines for active involvement in children's education can improve learning outcomes.


In this Note, we aim to understand how the schools and teachers respond to the new teacher professional development system. We compare experience and motivation of different characteristics of teachers.



Despite the growing attention to the importance of learning culture among teachers in enhancing teaching quality, we lack systematic knowledge about how to build such a culture. Can demand-driven teacher professional development (TPD) enhance learning culture among teachers? To answer the question, we assess the implementation of the TPD reform in Jakarta, Indonesia.

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