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The most talented individuals organise production processes, discover, and innovate. As a result, talented individuals contribute more to economic growth than ordinary labour. This paper is the first step to understanding talented individuals in Indonesia. First, we use an international benchmark to estimate the number of students who could be considered as highly skilled.


With the conclusion of 2024, we welcome 2025 with great optimism. May every step we have taken bring us closer to achieving our goals and targets.


Since 2010, SMERU has continuously paid attention to unpaid care work issues, advocating for the importance of addressing care work within the framework of reducing gender inequality. This year, for the first time, the government has included the economic aspects of care work in the 2025–2045 National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN).


Inequality and the exclusion of marginalized groups remain significant challenges in Indonesia. Civil society organizations (CSOs) play a strategic role in advocating for the rights of marginalized groups and driving more inclusive change, both through advocacy and empowerment.


This policy brief examines Indonesia’s energy transition goals, focusing on inclusivity and the challenges faced by women and people with disabilities. It highlights current progress, barriers, and the need for targeted policies to ensure equitable access to renewable energy and support for vulnerable groups.

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