Our Expertise


In the July issue, we bring you a variety of information derived from SMERU’s research. These include a policy brief on recovering learning losses during the COVID-19 pandemic, a popular scientific article discussing the challenges faced by children from single-parent households in accessing education, and a policy brief on development and economic prosperity published by Think7.


SMERU actively disseminates the results of its research through various events. Apart from being a manifestation of our responsibility as a research institution, the research dissemination events are a means of introducing SMERU's research results to a wide audience, including policymakers.


We celebrate National Education Day every May. Enhancing aspects of our education system is crucial to delivering higher quality and inclusive education.


One of SMERU’s missions is to support measures to increase the capacity of the central and regional governments, society, academics, development partners, and the private sector to promote the formulation of research-based policies.


Research results can provide critical input in policymaking. For this reason, SMERU does not limit its activities to only research. SMERU also builds good relations with policymakers at ministries and institutions as well as local governments to get its research to contribute to policymaking.

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