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In response to the financial crisis which struck Indonesia in mid-1997, the government of Indonesia, in cooperation with the World Bank, instituted a food support program called Operasi Pasar Khusus, or OPK. The OPK program was designed to provide first 10kg, and later 20kg, of rice per month to every poor family in Indonesia.


The research team observed and recorded a significant part of the economic activities of the village community in Buyut, and especially those associated with the rattan industry The study set out to concentrate on the following three areas: to examine the impact of economic activities in other villages in the surrounding area on the economic life of Buyut; to assess the impact of non-farm economic pursuits on agricultural ac


After more than three decades under a centralized national government, Indonesia decided to implement a new policy of regional autonomy that became effective on January 1st, 2001. This paper examines both the preparations for and the initial implementation of autonomy in the regions, as well as some of the challenges which have emerged during implementation.


In response to the economic, natural, and political crisis that enveloped Indonesia from August 1997 (beginning of depreciation) to May 1998 (Soeharto resignation), the new government announced support for a set of "safety net" (JPS) programs in the July 1998 budget.


The system of industrial relations in Indonesia is undergoing a transition from a heavily centralized and government-controlled system, to a more decentralized system where employers and employees negotiate the terms and conditions of employment at the enterprise level. However, many components are still influenced by the paternalistic central government practices of the past.

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