

Titie obtained her bachelor’s degree from the Economics Department of Bogor Agricultural Insitute (now IPB University).

Titie is a qualitative researcher with an interest in research on the topics of community empowerment, poverty, and social protection. She is responsible for developing research designs and instruments, collecting and analyzing data, and preparing research outputs, including research reports, working papers, and policy briefs.

Titie has been involved in research on community empowerment, village governance, and monitoring and evaluation of social protection programs in Indonesia. On the topics of community empowerment and village governance, Titie was involved in a longitudinal study on the implementation of the Village Law throughout 2015–2018.

She has also conducted monitoring and evaluation studies on the impact of community empowerment programs implemented both by the government, such as the Program for Improving Family Welfare through Community Empowerment (PKKPM) and the Program for Empowering the Poor through Joint Business Groups’ Electronic Mutual-Cooperation Shop under the Household Conditional Cash Transfer (e-Warong Kube-PKH), and by nongovernmental and private organizations. In recent years,

Titie has also been involved in studies on the effectiveness of social protection programs during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and studies on the efforts to promote regular updates of the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

Titie started her career in SMERU as a regional researcher and visiting researcher. Prior to joining SMERU, Titie worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) and Center for Agricultural Socioeconomic and Policy Studies (PSEKP), Ministry of Agriculture.


Village-based and community-driven development, monitoring and evaluation using a qualitative approach
IPB University - S.E., economics and development studies

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