Rendy Adriyan Diningrat

Senior Researcher

Rendy is a senior qualitative researcher at The SMERU Research Institute. Rendy has research interests in the field of digital economy, urban and rural development, and social inequality. In 2021, Rendy led a project on digital skills landscape in Indonesia. During 2018–2020, He he also led a team of expert researchers that developed modules on poverty analysis and bridging research and to policy during 2018-2020. He was involved in several studies on digital economy, urban child poverty, and the implementation of the Village Law.

Prior to joining SMERU, Rendy worked as an expert staff of the Integration of Urban and Rural Development Policies in the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas). In 2011-–2012, he was a teaching assistant at the Urban and Regional Planning Program (URP), Urban and Regional Planning Department, University of Universitas Gadjah Mada. He is also the founder of Podcast Lebih Dalam.

Rendy is a recipient of Post-Research Presentation and Study Visit DAAD to the Federal Republic of Germany 2012 for the paper “Kampung Kota as a Spatial Form of Compact City Model in Indonesia”.

Policy analysis, qualitative and participatory research, and module development
Universitas Gadjah Mada - M.Eng., urban and regional planning
Universitas Gadjah Mada - S.T., urban and regional planning

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