Latest Publications

February, 2022 | Daniel Suryadarma, Sirojuddin Arif, Amanda Beatty, Goldy Fariz Dharmawan, Florischa Ayu Tresnatri, Emilie Berkhout
We studied the impact of the school zoning system implementation on the learning of junior secondary students in Yogyakarta.
January, 2022 | Palmira Permata Bachtiar, Asri Yusrina, Luhur Bima
To achieve its goal of good governance and improved public services at the kabupaten/kota (district) and service delivery unit levels, Kinerja strengthens the supply and demand sides of service delivery.
January, 2022 | Dyan Widyaningsih, Ruhmaniyati , Nina Toyamah
This study aims to analyze how the DTKS is currently updated and learn how to improve the DTKS update process in the future.
December, 2021 | Athia Yumna, Asep Suryahadi, Ridho Al Izzati
We find that these programs have mitigated the impact of Covid-19 on the poverty rate by four percentage points.
December, 2021 | Asep Suryahadi, Priasto Aji, Iqbal Dawam Wibisono
This paper examines whether there has been a convergence or divergence in income per capita, inequality and poverty across local government areas in Indonesia.