Latest Publications


We publish a variety of reports, working papers, policy briefs, and other publications for policymakers and the public. Explore our publications dating back to 1998.

December, 2007 | Ruly Marianti
This paper aims to provide a systematic overview on various important issues and debates on efforts in understanding and managing disaster.
December, 2007 | The SMERU Research Institute
In 2006, SMERU conducted a study on the impact of supermarkets on traditional markets in Indonesia’s urban centers.
December, 2007 | Sri Kusumastuti Rahayu, Rizki Fillaili, Daniel Perwira, Asep Suryahadi, Akhmadi , M. Sulton Mawardi, Aris Arif Mundayat, Nani Zulminarni
In this edition, we mainly highlight those who have succeeded in moving out of poverty (movers).
September, 2007 | Daniel Suryadarma, Asep Suryahadi, Sudarno Sumarto
This study provides a case study of Indonesia, whose decision to include discouraged workers into its labor force resulted in an artificially high unemployment rates and disguised the actual post-crisis decline in unemployment in Indonesia.
September, 2007 | Sri Kusumastuti Rahayu, Rizki Fillaili, M. Sulton Mawardi, Syaikhu Usman, Bambang Sulaksono, Hastuti , Lant Pritchett, Suharman Noeman
This edition invites readers to examine the issue of program exit strategies on poverty reduction programs in Indonesia.

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