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We publish a variety of reports, working papers, policy briefs, and other publications for policymakers and the public. Explore our publications dating back to 1998.

December, 2010 | Budy P. Resosudarmo, Asep Suryahadi, M.P. Purnagunawan, Athia Yumna, Asri Yusrina
This paper seeks to answer whether or not ruralurban migrants make it, i.e. whether or not they are able to, at least, achieve a socioeconomic and health status similar to that of their nonmigrant counterparts living in the same city.
December, 2010 | Sudarno Sumarto, Asep Suryahadi
December, 2010 | Joan Hardjono, Nuning Akhmadi, Sudarno Sumarto
November, 2010 | Naomi Hossain, Rizki Fillaili, Grace Lubaale
This article outlines three reasons to believe that the impacts are likely to have been severe for those in poverty.
November, 2010 | Muhammad Syukri, Sirojuddin Arif, Meuthia Rosfadhila, Widjajanti Isdijoso
Based on a qualitative study in four villages in Indonesia, this article explores how the conditional cash transfer (CCT) recipient households use the CCT funds.

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