Central Java


Village Head Biography, Village Election Victory, and Village Governance Performance: An Analysis

This publication is only available in Indonesian.


MAMPU Midline Study Synthesis Report: Poor Women’s Access to Public Services for the Five Themes of Livelihood

This publication is only available in English.


Qualitative Study on the Proliferation and Integration of Community Empowerment Programs in Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara, and South Sulawesi

This publication is only available in Indonesian.


MAMPU Midline Study Thematic Report, Theme 2: Poor Women Homeworkers’ Access to Social Protection Insurance for Workers

This publication is only available in Indonesian.


Indonesia’s New Developmental State: Interrogating Participatory Village Governance

This article analyses the implementation of the New Developmental State in Indonesian politics and development as the realisation of the increasing authoritarianism of President Joko Widodo’s administration. Rather than focusing on the national level, as other studies do, this article focuses on subnational contexts, particularly at the village level, and the implementation, since 2014, of the world’s largest participatory village governance experiment.

A Policy Lens on Becoming a Teacher: A Longitudinal Diary Study of Novice Teacher Professional Identity Formation in Indonesia

The early years of a teacher’s career are crucial to the formation of their professional identity—a complex process of reconciling their personal attributes with the demands of the profession. This study explores the identity formation of novice teachers in Indonesia and seeks to identify the various aspects that shape this process. Specifically, we examine how Indonesia’s current teacher policy landscape affects novice teachers’ perspectives on teaching and their profession.


Challenges Encountered by Novice Teachers in the First Years of Teaching

The first years into the job are critical for novice teachers (who are just starting their careers). These years will determine whether a novice teacher will continue pursuing the teaching profession or switching to other jobs. Throughout these years, novice teachers transition from teacher education to first teaching experience, undergo the formation of self-identity as teachers, and improve the most compared to the following years.

Improving Parental Involvement in Children’s Education in Kebumen

RISE Programme in Indonesia and the Kebumen District Education Agency, one of RISE's learning laboratory areas, carried out a programme, Improving Parental Involvement in a Children’s Education, from February 2020 to April 2021. This programme examined ways to overcome the low participation of parents in children’s education in Kebumen. 

Does Higher Parental Involvement Lead to Learning Gains? Experimental Evidence from Indonesia

Kebumen Disctrict in Central Java is one of RISE's Learning Laboratory areas. RISE Programme in Indonesia collaborates with Kebumen District Education Office in conducting a study on how information delivered by teachers to parents on students’ learning progress and guidelines for active involvement in children's education can improve learning outcomes.

Direct Cash Transfer-Village Fund for Mitigating Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Story from the Villages

  • The Direct Cash Transfer-Village Fund (BLT-DD) program implemented by villages indicates the villages’ ability to manage social assistance programs transparently and accountably.
  • The key is village deliberation meeting as the highest-ranked decision-making forum which is held openly and participatorily.
  • BLT-DD facilitators’ presence at the meeting is needed to verify and monitor the democratic process.

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