This study aims to support the preparation of the National Action Plan (RAN) for SDGs 2020–2024 (with a focus on Goal 5).
Governance, Institutions, and Decentralization
This study aims to assess youth entrepreneurship ecosystem by emphasizing an inclusion of pictures and conditions of all regions in Indonesia.

Through this project, we expect the districts can learn, understand, and use the IEDI as a policy tool to make their economic development policies more inclusive.
SMERU aims to fill the gaps in knowledge and data availability by working closely with local government officials in relevant local government working units.
The study will observe how the first two years of the implementation affects village governance—whether the embodiment of good governance principles (participation, transparency, and accountability) can be translated into managing the village resources in an accountable manner to benefit the general community; how various groups in the community respond to the VL implementation; and what the key contributing factors are that influence implementation (including roles of different institutions and experience with CDD/PNPM).