Progress of the SDGs Implementation on Adolescent and Youth in Indonesia


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) shape the successive National Development Plans (RJPMN). Over a hundred of the 118 SDG targets most relevant to the Indonesian context have been incorporated into the RPJMN 2019–2024. Sub-national governments are also mainstreaming SDGs into their Mid-Term Regional Development Plans (RPJMD).

Two Voluntary National Reviews have been presented at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development. Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency has produced “Roadmap of SDGs Indonesia” that serves as a pathfinding document for operationalizing each of the SDGs. The “Roadmap of SDGs Indonesia” contains policy positions for delivering on 60 selected targets as well as “business as usual” and “intervention scenarios”.

Youth are not just beneficiaries of this process—they are essential actors in achieving these Goals. The Government of Indonesia developed the SDGs Baseline Report on Adolescent and Youth in 2018.

To monitor the implementation of SDGs in respect of adolescent and youth as the subjects, Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency with the support of UNFPA is planning to update the data on SDGs indicators relating to adolescent and youth in 2020 to contribute to the forthcoming:

  1. Voluntary National Reviews
  2. National Strategy on Youth Development (led by Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency)
  3. National Strategy on Adolescent Health (led by the Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture and Ministry of Health)

This consultancy will provide high-quality statistical information. The said information is also designed to support informed debate on policies and programs related to Indonesia’s youth and information development, further assessing the progress of SDGs and the International Conference on Population and Development action programs.


The purpose of this study is to support Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency in developing a report on the progress of the SDGs implementation among adolescent and youth in Indonesia.

The aim of the consultancy is to present an authoritative yet reader-friendly description of contemporary data relating to Indonesia’s youth across SDG indicators and how it has been changing over time. In format, this document will consist of descriptive text integrated with summary indicators, tables, and charts in ways relevant to SDG indicators and issues of public policy concern. Explanatory notes describing the meaning of statistical constructs used in the analysis should also be provided to ensure the readers fully comprehend the information.

The specific objectives are as follows:

  1. To update the data of the selected SDGs indicators from the 2018 SDGs Baseline Report on Adolescent and Youth
    Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency and Statistics Indonesia agreed that the indicators are for adolescent and youth issues in Indonesia. The definitions and data sources of those selected SDGs indicators (see Annex 2 for the list of selected indicators) are stated in the national SDGs metadata, which was endorsed by the Government of Indonesia (Presidential Decree Number 59 Year 2017 on SDGs).
  2. To develop updated profiles for selected SDGs targets highlighting most significant disparities by geographical locations, poverty status, age groups, and gender (depending on the data availability by Statistics Indonesia and relevant government institutions)
  3. To present provincial data using existing data from the government (National Social Economic Survey, National Labor Force Survey, Basic Health Survey, Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey, etc.)
  4. To provide strategic recommendations on policies and programs to address the gaps

Data Sources:

The publication will mainly be grounded in the series of National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) 2015–2019, the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) 2015–2019, the Basic Health Survey (Riskesdas) 2013 and 2018, the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey 2017, the Intercensal Population Survey (Supas) 2015, and proxy indicators developed by Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency and Statistics Indonesia.

Intended audience: Government institutions, development partners, and civil society organizations

The report can be used as a reference for advocacy on youth development issues and to evaluate policies and programs on youth development.


The report will present the updated data of the selected SDGs indicators from the 2018 SDGs Baseline Report on Adolescent and Youth.

  1. As a consultant, SMERU will consult with the government and obtain an agreement on the updated indicators data and targets that correlate directly to youth issues. The analysis of the SDGs data update can be done based on the selected targets and indicators.
  2. To the extent possible, SMERU will conduct data analysis of national surveys, such as the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey, Susenas, Sakernas, and Riskedas, as well as administrative data from government departments and agencies and United Nations interagency estimates.
  3. The analysis will be contextualized using the available data/information from literature, routine sectoral reports, and survey reports.
  4. The profiling of selected SDGs targets will be done in consultation with Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency and UN agencies and will cover topics on development qualities, including, but not limited to, health, education, employment, and participation. Profiles should highlight disparities, in particular by gender, geography, age groups, and poverty status.

In conducting this assignment, SMERU must closely communicate with Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency to ensure the work and deliverables are aligned with the national priority agenda. It will be important for SMERU to support the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency leadership as a national coordinator, as well as Statistics Indonesia’s technical leadership, and to ensure the government and Statistics Indonesia’s active involvement throughout the entire exercise.

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