Youth Development Index, Policy Brief, and National Strategy on Youth Entrepreneurship Document


Under the coordination of the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), the Government of Indonesia is developing the 2020–2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) document along with its action plan. Ensuring that the plan gives significant attention to the investment in youth will help gain positive development outcomes during the demographic bonus period.

To monitor youth development progress resulting from the investment in youth, having an updated Youth Development Index (YDI) is necessary to ensure the relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency of youth development policies and programs in improving youth’s capacity and determining future investment plan targets.


In general, our study is aimed at producing a sound development plan in Indonesia. The result of this study is expected to provide a basis for advocacy for improving the policy environment, programs, and directions on issues related to Indonesian youth development in 2020–2024.

In specific, the objectives of this project are:

  1. to develop a policy brief on youth intended for developing the technocratic document of the 2020–2024 RPJMN;
  2. to develop the National Strategy on Youth Entrepreneurship Document; and
  3. to develop the 2019 Youth Development Index.

This project consists of three studies, each of which uses different methodology or approach.

  1. Policy Brief on Youth
    We will start developing a policy brief offering recommendations to tackle the issue of teenage pregnancy and reviewing documents on such an issue, including literatures, government policies and programs and their evaluation reports, and descriptive statistics analysis of the latest available data. Subsequently, we will organize meetings with relevant stakeholders to get input on the policy brief draft.
  2. The National Strategy on Youth Entrepreneurship Document
    To formulate the National Strategy on Youth Entrepreneurship Document, we will use qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data will be obtained from interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) with various stakeholders, including central and regional governments, academics, the private sector, nongovernmental organizations, and youth community representatives and youth business owners. The quantitative data in this study are secondary data sourced from the Statistics Indonesia’s 2019 National Labor Force Survey and primary data obtained through the Online Survey on Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Experiences.
  3. The 2019 Youth Development Index (YDI)
    Statistics Indonesia, Bappenas, and SMERU will be in close collaboration in conducting this study. Statistics Indonesia will calculate the YDI data, while SMERU will develop the report. To narrate the YDI figures, we will explore factors and potential explanations behind the progress of YDI based on reviews of previous studies related to various youth development aspects. We will gather feedback from experts, Statistics Indonesia, and Bappenas to ensure that we deliver quality report and analysis. In addition, the report will have a special section about a case study of how to utilize the YDI data in analysing the root problems and identifying appropriate policies to resolve the problems. There will be a fieldwork at the selected provinces for conducting interviews and FGDs with relevant stakeholders. We will work closely with Bappenas to design the interviews and FGDs and decide the informants/ participants.

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Rika Kumala Dewi
Team Member 
Dyan Widyaningsih
Ridho Al Izzati
Completion Year 
Project Donor 
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