Midline study of Access to Services and Livelihood of Poor Women


For the last few decades, various efforts to increase gender equality and to boost women’s empowerment had been taken concurrently by the Government of Indonesia and also by different institutions such as the NGOs. MAMPU was one of the programs that focused on interventions among poor women and women’s organizations working in the areas of poor women’s rights.

In an attempt to understand the situation and changes in poor women’s access to public services, a longitudinal research is essential as the improvement of poor women’s access to services is a long-term process (Krantz, 2001). MAMPU’s efforts to achieve its long term goal is documented in a form of six-years longitudinal research that spans over 2014-2020.

Longitudinal research serves the purpose of documenting the development or changes in poor women’s access to public services as same subjects are tracked down over six years period of time. This midline study is a part of that six-year longitudinal study which aims to document the changes on the lives of poor women since the baseline study, particularly on their access to basic services.  



Midline study serves as a bridge between the baseline and endline study in assessing the overall changes of poor women’s access to basic services. As the changes of poor women’s access to basic services occurs gradually, this study may provide important information to identify areas where actual changes have been made and other areas where rooms for improvement are still wide open.

In general, the main purpose of this midline study is to obtain an assessment on the changes of poor women’s acces to basic services since the 2014 baseline study. 

Specifically, this study aims to answer following research questions:

  1. How do poor women’s access to public services change during the last three years (2014-2017)?
  2. Who are the actors behind the observed changes of poor women’s access to public services?
  3. What are the contribution of each actor to the observed changes of poor women’s access to public services?
  4. How does the contribution of each actor link to the observed changes of poor women's access to public services?

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Asep Suryahadi
Niken Kusumawardhani
Team Member 
Asep Suryahadi
Niken Kusumawardhani
Dyan Widyaningsih
Stella Aleida Hutagalung
Veto Tyas Indrio
Ahmad Zuhdi Dwi Kusuma
Elza Elmira
Ana Rosidha Tamyis
Completion Year 
Project Donor 
The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
Technical Partner 
Maju Perempuan Indonesia untuk Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (MAMPU)
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