Strategic Coordination Team for Development Facilitation Reinforcement (TKSP3)


Under the Decree of the Minister for Labor of the Republic of Indonesia No. 25 of 2021, the Indonesian National Work Competency Standard (SKKNI) for Development Facilitation is prepared to be the national standard as part of the development facilitation reinforcement system. As mandated by the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020–2024, the standard is expected to be followed by efforts to (i) equalize the level of development facilitation qualification and (ii) devise a development facilitation certification scheme. To support these efforts, a well-built database is needed to maintain the effectiveness of the planning and implementation of development programs.

In the initial phase, it is necessary to conduct a study to estimate the need for facilitators in accordance with development goals and regional characteristics as well as the community they will facilitate, both at the regional and village levels, in the form of a Study on the Mapping of Development Facilitation Needs. For this purpose, we need experts to (i) develop the methodology for mapping the needs for development facilitators, (ii) manage knowledge, and (iii) develop a facilitation system to help the Strategic Coordination Team for Development Facilitation Reinforcement (TKSP3) conduct the Study on the Mapping of Development Facilitation Needs.


Recruitment of experts/consultants to develop the methodology for mapping the needs for development facilitators, manage knowledge, and develop a facilitation system in TKSP3 is an assignment given to individuals who will be responsible for assisting TKSP3 in conducting the Study on the Mapping of Development Facilitation Needs for the 2022 budget year.

Scope of Work 
  1. Study the available methods to map facilitators’ competence and the needs for development facilitators
  2. Test the right method for use in the Study on the Mapping of Development Facilitation Needs
  3. Review and analyze the management of information and knowledge in the implementation of development facilitation
  4. Document and analyze good practices of information and knowledge management that have been implemented in development facilitation programs in Indonesia and other countries
  5. Review and analyze regulations and literature on facilitation—both facilitation governance (recruitment process, placement criteria, monitoring and evaluation, and exit strategy) and institutional framework (structure, relations, and roles between agencies)—to allow the identification of factors supporting development facilitation to be tested in the Study on the Mapping of Development Facilitation Needs

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Asep Kurniawan
Team Member 
Nila Warda
M. Sulton Mawardi
Dimitri Swasthika Nurshadrina
Completion Year 
Project Donor 
Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas)
Type of Service