Indonesia has committed to adopting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a continuation of the Millenium Development Goals. The SDG agenda is far more comprehensive than MDGs as it takes into account the root causes of poverty and places a greater emphasis on inclusiveness and tackling inequality. In preparing for the adoption of SDGs, the Deputy for Demography and Labor Force (Bappenas) has requested that SMERU assess Indonesia’s preparedness in adopting the SGDs goals related to poverty, labor, and inequality. The assessment was carried out through examining past performance indicators in achieving relevant goals within the MDG framework, both at the national and sub-national level.
The report highlighted that most SDG targets relating to poverty, labor and inequality have been included in the current RPJMN. Nevertheless, the Government will still face significant challenges in achieving the SDG targets in these sectors, stemming from slow economic growth and high inequality, as well as weak horizontal and vertical coordination. Thus, the report suggests that the government align central and local government policies and programs, and begin early preparations to gain support from local government and non-government actors.
The assessment was conducted through a comprehensive literature review, reviewing the compatibility between RPJMN targets and SDGs targets, visits to two provinces – North Sulawesi and West Nusa Tenggara - in order to gauge their experience in efforts to achieve MDG targets and the preparations necessary to adopt SDGs, and focus group discussions involving relevant experts in Jakarta.