Policy Research


Despite the growing attention to the importance of learning culture among teachers in enhancing teaching quality, we lack systematic knowledge about how to build such a culture. Can demand-driven teacher professional development (TPD) enhance learning culture among teachers? To answer the question, we assess the implementation of the TPD reform in Jakarta, Indonesia.


Using the four aspects of e-government (governance, services, infrastructure, and human capital), this mixed methods study seeks to provide an analysis of the digital skills development in the Indonesian public sector. Focus is given to the issue of supply and demand of state civil apparatuses (ASN) and their quality to implement e-government in the public sector.


Greater female labor market participation benefits not only women's empowerment and the well-being of their families, but also the economy as a whole. Yet the labor force participation of women in developing countries is relatively stagnant, even with higher levels of economic development and better educational attainment. Women are also more likely to work in the informal sector and unskilled jobs.


This paper presents an investigation of the causal impact of COVID-19, through lockdowns, on household income, income expectations, consumption of durable goods, and budget allocation in Indonesia using high-frequency data from the monthly Bank Indonesia consumer survey with more than 176,000 respondents.


Digitalization has contributed substantially to the global economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Indonesia’s case, digitalization even sustained the country’s economy during the pandemic. It is only appropriate that the government continue accelerating its digital transformation in postpandemic recovery.

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