In 2018, SMERU conducted a technical process for mapping the nutritional status down to village level in the Indonesian government’s six priority kabupaten/kota (districts/cities)—under the guidance of the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) and an advisory board composed of some Indonesia’s leading development practitioners and policymakers.
Using secondary data analysis, focus group discussions (FGD), and household surveys, SMERU and TNP2K developed the methodologies for nutrition mapping, and carried out field verification from August to December 2018. The results are then compared and used for the basis of policy recommendation for the expansion of nutrition mapping for all areas in Indonesia. Based on initial data exercise and literature review, nutrition mapping at the village level is necessary to better target policy and programs, particularly because of the data limitation in health sectors. Field verification comparing village condition and household survey is ideal for ensuring that nutrition mapping estimates has a reliable precision.
In the previous study, the SMERU Research Institute has successfully generated the nutrition maps for six kabupaten/kota utilizing the 2013 Basic Health Survey (Riskesdas) dataset. Field verification has proven that the SAE method is valid and reliable for mapping nutritional status at the village level in Indonesia.
This study aims to:
- apply the SAE method using the latest available Riskesdas and Susenas dataset (2018) for mapping nutrition status in seven kabupaten/kota
- analyze factors potentially affect the nutrition status at village and kabupaten/kota levels using the latest secondary data available
Elbers, Lanjouw, and Lanjouw (ELL) methods will be used to combine the information obtained from a household survey with the information collected from the population census. Four sources of data used in this mapping are (i) integrated data of the Health Survey (Riskesdas) and Susenas, (ii) Population Census, and (iii) Village Census (Podes)—all collected by Statistics Indonesia. In the nutritional status model estimation, the data on children height and weight is obtained from the Riskesdas; the data on household characteristics is obtained from the Riskesdas, Susenas, and Population Census, while the data on village-level characteristics is obtained from Podes.