
The Government of Indonesia has successfully profiled itself as a champion for localizing and implementing the SDG 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. At the global level, Indonesia has presented a Voluntary National Review at the High-Level Political Forum in 2017 and 2019, illustrating its commitment to reporting on progress. At the national level, Indonesia has developed detailed SDG Metadata guidelines on how to localize each indicator, measure them, and where to get the information. In line with the focus of the 2030 Agenda on sub-national disparities, the government has facilitated provincial SDG Action Plans development.

UNICEF Indonesia has provided technical support to both the central and local governments for child-focused SDGs localization. Among these were an agreement on the key priority of SDG indicators for children in 2016, followed by the joint development of the SDG Baseline Report on Children (2016 data), and a set of 34 SDG Provincial Briefs summarizing key SDG data for children to inform planning. In 2019, UNICEF, together with the government, produced a 2030 SDG Analysis for Children, analyzing key drivers of progress through 2030.

Through a joint United Nations Working Group on Data for the SDGs, UNICEF has supported the government in developing and launching a national SDG Dashboard to make SDG data widely accessible to decision-makers and the public across the country. The website is already on Bappenas’ online public domain, but the data are only from Statistics Indonesia and at the provincial level. In 2021, UNICEF plans to continue its support for the government in advancing the dashboard features, including adding new data sources to support the monitoring of SDG progress at the national and sub-national levels.

The new UNICEF-Government of Indonesia Country Programme will be implemented from 2021 to 2025 and will work with Statistics Indonesia, Bappenas, and a national research partner for the following purposes to support evidence-based policy advice and advocacy at the national and sub-national levels: 

  • to make the latest SDG data available on the SDG Dashboard, to develop an SDG progress report and 
  • to produce an updated set of SDG provincial briefs.

Indonesia has also committed to presenting a Voluntary National Review (VNR) in 2021 at the High-Level Political Forum. This new work aims to strengthen the capacity of a national research partner and Statistics Indonesia to carry out annual updates on SDG progress analyses for children in Indonesia.

Phase 1 of this project aims to
  1. produce data tables with progress analysis for child-focused SDG indicators and
  2. develop a set of eight provincial briefs on SDG Progress for Children in Indonesia.
Phase 2 of the project will focus on
  1. developing a report on SDG Progress for Children in Indonesia and
  2. developing the capacity of national partners for annual statistical analysis and progress modeling for Children in Indonesia.
Phase 1—Preparation and Inception Report
  • Develop inception report with an agreed priority list of 60 SDG indicators   determined in consultation with UNICEF staff based on previously published SDG Baseline Report and consultations with Statistics Indonesia, Bappenas, SDG Secretariat, and the national research institution. The list will include both global SDG indicators as well as Indonesia-specific indicators.
  • Before conducting the analyses, the Development Pathways, UNICEF, and SMERU will consult with Statistics Indonesia and agree on the scope of the analysis and sources of administrative data. The Institution will also review the latest Indonesia SDG Metadata guidance.
  • During the preparatory stage, a steering group will be established, including Statistics Indonesia, Bappenas, the SDG secretariat, the national research institution, and UNICEF. The steering group will be informed of both study phases.
  • Identify available data sources
  • Develop a detailed work plan, including plans for consultations with steering group members and line ministries and trainings.
  • Discuss and agree on a clear division of work with the contractor, the national research institution, Statistics Indonesia, and Bappenas.
Phase 2—Progress Analysis and the Development of Progress Provincial Briefs and National Report
  1. Progress Analysis
  • Analyze progress trends following the government’s national SDG metadata guidance and global guidance for SDG indicators. To the extent possible, the agency/consultants will analyze data of national surveys, such as the Indonesia Demographic Health Survey, Susenas, Riskedas, administrative data from government departments and agencies, and United Nations inter-agency estimates.
  • Disaggregate data by gender, age groups, wealth, sub-national geography, and urban/rural status.
  • Contextualize the analysis using available data/information from the literature, routine sectoral reports, and survey reports, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on SDG progress.
  • Profiling selected SDG targets, which will be done in consultation with UNICEF and will cover at least the seven priority areas: child poverty and social protection, nutrition, health, water and sanitation, education, climate change/DRR, and child protection. Profiles should highlight disparities, in particular by gender, geography, age groups, and poverty status.
  • UNICEF is working with Statistics Indonesia on district-level data for a selected number of provinces, which can be included in both the report and province briefs if available.
  • Consolidate priority child-focused SDG indicators for the past 5–10 years into a shareable Excel database to be uploaded onto the national Indonesia SDG dashboard.
  1. Capacity Development and Training
  • Facilitated by Statistics Indonesia, carry out virtual training sessions covering basic statistics, statistics analysis, and report-writing for staff of Statistics Indonesia, Bappenas, and the national research institution.
  • Develop “how-to” guidance for a recurrent annual analysis of SDG progress for children.
  • A core working team consisting of international and national experts of the national research institution will complete the analysis.
  1. Providing Technical Inputs to Voluntary National Report (VNR) Development
    Share the results of the statistical analysis with the government to also feed into the VNR 2021. Further meetings may be required to present and explain the analysis and/or to provide additional tailored inputs as requested by the government.
  2. Development of Provincial Briefs
  • Provincial briefs for UNICEF’s eight focus provinces are prioritized, followed by developing the full national progress report and briefs for the remaining provinces.
  • The provincial briefs will be similar to the 2018 version, with a short description of key progress in each priority SDG area, simple data visualizations, and a provincial scorecard. Lastly, where possible, the province brief will include highlights with district-level data.
  • The translation for the briefs will be managed by UNICEF separately, but a review of the translation by national researchers will be required. Furthermore, Development Pathways, UNICEF, and SMERU are expected to work on the layout and design for English and Indonesian versions that are in line with UNICEF’s branding and style guidelines.

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Ridho Al Izzati
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Fauzan Kemal Musthofa
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Development Pathways
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