

Daniel Suryadarma, Asep Kurniawan, Niken Rarasati, Florischa Ayu Tresnatri

This study aims to examine whether providing information to parents can improve students’ learning outcome.

Syaikhu Usman, Sirojuddin Arif, Niken Rarasati, Risa Wardatun Nihayah, Shintia Revina

This study aims to explore economic-political factors that can support or inhibit the creation and implementation of educational innovations at the local level. 

Syaikhu Usman, Sirojuddin Arif, Niken Rarasati, Risa Wardatun Nihayah, Shintia Revina

This study aims to understand what drives educational innovations to emerge at the local level.

Amanda Beatty, Rezanti Putri Pramana

This study aims to understand the plans of teachers’ unions, the influence of teachers’ unions on education policy, and the interaction between teachers’ unions in Indonesia.

Daniel Suryadarma, Menno Pradhan, Arya Swarnata

This study aims to examine the impact of UN-related policy changes on UN scores and learning outcomes at the junior school level.

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